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Shared Key atau WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) adalah suatu metoda pengamanan jaringan nirkabel, disebut juga dengan Shared Key Authentication. Shared Key Authentication adalah metoda otentikasi yang membutuhkan penggunaan WEP. Enkripsi WEP menggunakan kunci yang dimasukkan (oleh administrator) ke client maupun access point. Kunci ini harus cocok dari yang diberikan akses point ke client, dengan yang dimasukkan client untuk authentikasi menuju access point.
Proses Shared Key Authentication:
Menurut Arief Hamdani Gunawan, Komunikasi Data via IEEE 802.11, Shared Key Authentication kelihatannya lebih aman dari dari pada Open System Authentication, namun pada kenyataannya tidak. Shared Key malah membuka pintu bagi penyusup atau cracker. Penting untuk dimengerti dua jalan yang digunakan oleh WEP. WEP bisa digunakan untuk memverifikasi identitas client selama proses shared key dari authentikasi, tapi juga bisa digunakan untuk men-dekripsi data yang dikirimkan oleh client melalui access point.
client meminta asosiasi ke access point, langkah ini sama seperti Open System Authentication.
access point mengirimkan text challenge ke client secara transparan.
client akan memberikan respon dengan mengenkripsi text challenge dengan menggunakan kunci WEP dan mengirimkan kembali ke access point.
access point memberi respon atas tanggapan client, akses point akan melakukan decrypt terhadap respon enkripsi dari client untuk melakukan verifikasi bahwa text challenge dienkripsi dengan menggunakan WEP key yang sesuai. Pada proses ini, access point akan menentukan apakah client sudah memberikan kunci WEP yang sesuai. Apabila kunci WEP yang diberikan oleh client sudah benar, maka access point akan merespon positif dan langsung meng-authentikasi client. Namun bila kunci WEP yang dimasukkan client adalah salah, maka access point akan merespon negatif dan client tidak akan diberi authentikasi. Dengan demikian, client tidak akan terauthentikasi dan tidak terasosiasi.
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Thus I am reminded of the parents' duties towards their children.. * * * * * The next morning, it was clear that war was declared against the Bredes.. We'll get out all right.. Miss Lydia uttered a little, ambiguous squeak and crumpled her program in her hand.. He is distinctly afraid of the analysis of the dream.. It has already been emphasized by Dugas that Goblet was forced to repudiate many facts in order to generalize his theory.. A now-hallowed attack of tonsilitis had driven him to Florida, where presently Gideon had been employed to beguile his convalescence, and guide him over the intricate shallows of that long lagoon known as the Indian River in search of various fish.. You were there? I didn't know you ever--I didn't know you cared for the theater.. He was an entertainer bent only on amusing and surprising his reader.. Yes, said the Judge, good-humoredly.. The scene was a composite one, made up out of an event that occurred at the time of puberty, and of two pictures, one of which I had seen just shortly before the dream.. I need not say that the lady I refer to is Miss Zaidee Juno Hooker, only daughter of Almira Ann Hooker, relict of Jefferson Brown Hooker, formerly of Boone County, Kentucky, and latterly of--er--Pike County, Missouri.. Had the card been in his possession, he would, at that instant, have laid it on Aunt Missouri without a qualm.. Gideon's health was watched over as if he had been an ailing prince.. It is at least my habit--I hope I may say, my nature, to believe the best of people, rather than the worst. Buller at all, and he did not hesitate to show his annoyance.. It is easy to show that he took these heroes as his models, and regretted that he was not living in those days.. There was a rich widow disconsolate for the loss of her seventh husband, and to her wounded spirit I offered the balm of my vows.. By these means I somewhat softened the Angel.. The origin of the figures from the matter of the dream thoughts and the changes the figures underwent are of interest...
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